Thursday, December 10, 2009

Natural Cellulite Remedies

Whilst there are hormonal factors that are believed to influence the development of cellulite, poor circulation and not enough exercise are also considered culprits in this condition. Based on the latter principle, recommended herbal cellulite remedies are the lymphatic herbs. Lymphatic herbs assist the body in getting rid of wastes and metabolic by-products. The principal herbal remedies recommended by natural therapists include cleavers, echinacea, poke root, and dandelion.

Cleavers is a diuretic, astringent, and lymphatic herb. As well as being used for cellulite, it is used for cystitis, edema, upper respiratory infections and inflammation, and the treatment of chronic skin problems. This includes psoriasis and eczema, and other non-chronic skin diseases.

Echinacea is a popular immune stimulant with antiseptic and tonic properties. Despite being an immune stimulant, it can be used in immune problems like allergies, as well as autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Like cleavers, it helps cleanse the blood and the lymphatic system, making it a great choice for cellulite. Echinacea also stimulates the circulatory system, and is used in a lot of skin conditions. Examples include boils, herpes, eczema, psoriasis, and skin ulcers. It can be used externally as well as internally, and the species echinacea augustifolia and purpurea are generally preferred.

Pokeroot is an immune stimulating, alternative, anti-inflammatory herb that has great benefit for the lymphatic system. It is used for chronic rheumatism, tonsillitis, mastitis, mumps, acne, ringworm, and tinea. It can be used externally and internally, though it should not be used in large doses as it can be toxic. The recommended range for teas is 0.06 to 0.3g of the dried root three times a day. If you're using a tincture or fluid extract, the dosage will be on the bottle.

Dandelion is a diuretic liver tonic that helps increase the loss of metabolic waste through the feces by increasing the production of bile. It is used for skin diseases, hypertension, digestive problems, exposure to toxins, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, fluid retention, and jaundice. Both the leaves and the root are used, the leaves having a stronger effect on the kidneys, and the root on the liver.

These herbs can be prepared singly or used in combination. If you're using them in combination, the best way to take them is probably as an herbal tea. You can usually buy dry herbs from a good health food shop, although if you're having difficulty sourcing some of them, there are a lot of small online growers that sell herbs directly to the public. You can often pick up good quality, organic herbs from them at very reasonable prices.

Quantities in herbal tea recipes are usually given as a relative measure. So, for the cellulite tea, you take one part cleavers, one part poke root, and two parts echinacea. Pour boiling water over the herbs and let them infuse for about 5 minutes. Then, strain the liquid off, and drink one cup three times a day.

natural cellulite remedies