Monday, November 16, 2009

Cellulite Natural and Home Remedies - Cellulite Tips

To reduce cellulite, you may follow the below listed home and natural remedies:

* Use a soft body brush on damp or dry skin, brushing in long sweeping movements over the afflicted area, and working in the direction of the heart.
* Use a massage glove or rough sisal mitt in the same way as above.
* Always massage a cellulite cream thoroughly with your fingertips. It makes them double effective. Remember, the massaging action is more important than the cellulite cream.
* For those dimppled areas, take caffinatted coffee, grind it into dust & mix with cheap hand lotion, rub this into your problem spots for 60 second a day,then shower it off & watch those cellulite areas become smoother & firmer!

Make your own natural cellulite cream in your home

Try this aromatherapy recipe. Add two drops each of rosemary and fennel essential oils to three teaspoons of carrier oil, such as almond oil. Massage this mixture daily thoroughly into the affected areas.

* Another home remedy for cellulite is to follow a detox diet - a healthy low-fat, high fibre diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. More on cellulite diet.

We hope the above home/natural remedies for cellulite will help you.

natural cellulite remedies