Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Natural Cellulite Reduction - Home Remedies

Tired of dimples on your thighs, abdomen, buttocks and in any other parts of your body? Do you want a cellulite free body? No need to worry now. There are many natural cellulite reduction treatments available today.

Cellulite is a problem of many women around the world. Cellulite is a problem of everyone but women are the most affected by it, or should we say, more conscious about it. But the problem is not who is the one affected but on how this condition would be reduced. There are many surgeries and regimes available to reduce cellulite. Despite this fact, lots of people still prefer natural cellulite reduction treatments.

The most effective natural cellulite reduction treatments are the combination of diet and exercise together with other treatments available. Weight loss is one way of reducing those dimples on your thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Weight loss reduce the fatty tissues on the body that cause those undesirable dimples. Removal of this fatty tissues will also reduce the cellulite in the body.

Another natural cellulite reduction treatment that you could try is exercise. Exercise contributes to loss of weight. Some of the exercise that you could add to your regular ones are lunges and squats. Other types of exercise that you could also actually do at home are sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks and many more. Good exercise would not only cause you to lose those fats but it would also regulate the body circulation.

Exercise and weight loss are great ways of natural cellulite reduction, but they are not enough! Eating right, which means eating the right foods cater in the reduction of cellulite. Avoidance of fatty foods would contribute greatly in removing cellulite. Also, eating foods rich in fiber would be good.

Exercise, healthy diet and weight loss are great ways of natural cellulite reduction. The combination of these three would guarantee you a cellulite free life. It just takes a great deal of discipline and patience.

natural cellulite remedies

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lymphatic Herbal Cellulite Remedies

Cellulite is a white lumpy substance, which grows on the surface of the skin, and is a nightmare for every woman. This condition is most often faced by women, because of their fat glands and connective tissues, and the hormonal changes, pregnancy and their cell structure. Cellulite resembles cottage cheese and orange-peel .It is every woman's dream to look fit, toned, and healthy. When this cellulite problem arises, the woman is depressed, non-motivated, and wants to cure herself of this cellulite condition.

Lymphatic System

Cellulite is governed by a few hormonal factors, by popular belief. Lack of exercise, bad dietary habits, and poor circulation are equally to be blamed for this undesirable condition. The blockage of the Lymph glands can also result in the formation of cellulite on the surface of the skin. The Lymphatic system is of utmost importance to the body for its response to cancer.

Herbal Remedies

For this very purpose, suggested herbal remedies to get rid of this cellulite or preventing it are the Lymphatic Herbal cellulite remedies, which consist of lymphatic herbs. These precious herbs support the body to get rid of the natural wastes and the by products of the human body's metabolism. The major herbs which are included in the recommended therapy are Echinacea, Pokeroot, Cleavers, and Dandelion. All these herbs specialize in attainment of some or the other function be the body, and are a complete guide to better health and fighting cellulite. One can pick these or the other organic herbs at reasonable prices, which prove extremely beneficial in the long-term to defend one's skin against cellulite.

Natural Organic Herbs

Cleavers is a natural astringent, and a famous Lymphatic herb. It is used for many other purposes but basically focuses on cellulite reduction and prevention.

Echinacea is a very well known stimulant filled with antiseptic and healing properties. It is profusely used in the preparation of green herbal tea, and is considered to be a great anti-oxidant, when it comes to taming the cellulite formation. It helps cleanse blood, and clears the blockage off the lymphatic system.

Pokeroot is a stimulant supporting the immune system. It is an anti-inflammatory herb, which works great for the lymph system, and controls the growth of cellulite formation. It can be used both, externally and internally, and is proved a great cellulite growth controller.

Dandelion is a diuretic liver tonic, which shows great results when it comes to the loss of metabolic waste. Dandelion also serves in making us look fitter, youthful, and healthy,. The healthy properties present in Dandelion are great for the skin making it firm and cellulite-free.

All these herbs can be prepared singly, or made into various combinations. The best way to take them and tone up your metabolism and cellulite-free self is by consuming green tea, or herbal tea. They all strive towards making a better cellulite-free you!

natural cellulite remedies

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Home Cellulite Remedies

Many home cellulite remedies involve creams to apply on a daily basis, but did you know that there is a really effective method of eliminating cellulite that you can practice at home without buying expensive creams? You can get rid of that cellulite quickly and easily without resorting to pharmaceutical purchases and without putting too much strain on your wallet. Simple adjustments or additions to your diet can really help you to get the body of your dreams and it can also assist with improving the smoothness of your skin as a whole.

Various home cellulite remedies contain one or two skin tightening ingredients but you can use nature's natural ingredients to help you from the inside out. Some foods can actively help you fight back against cellulite and can be used in addition to your usual healthy and well balanced diet. Many people use a detoxification diet to help improve their blood flow and reduce cellulite. This means cutting down on all fatty foods and salty food items.

There are also certain foods you should avoid while trying to reduce your cellulite problem. Sugar and alcohol are the two obvious examples of this. Cutting down on sugar will have a definite, positive impact on your overall weight management and can help to improve your circulation which actively helps cut down on cellulite production. Alcohol consumption will gradually worsen and increase fat deposits as well as slow down your body's circulation. That being said, it's a good idea to start cutting back on alcohol, as it will likely help with controlling your cellulite problem. It's also important to know that If you consume too much alcohol your body may stop absorbing Vitamin C and Zinc properly, both of which are vital fat burners for your body.

Home cellulite remedies might not be as fast as clinical treatments, but they are certainly more effective. And not only that, but natural cellulite come remedies are guaranteed to last longer than quick & costly clinical remedies.

natural cellulite remedies

Saturday, January 30, 2010

3 Home Cellulite Remedies to Get Rid of Cellulite Thighs

Cellulite thighs are not a pleasant thing to see, especially around the time of beach season. Not only does it create the illusion of being "fat", it also tells on-lookers that you don't take care of yourself as well as you should. Although that may not be the actual truth, the pounds & pounds of cellulite on your thighs says otherwise. Having said all that, if you're tired of your cellulite thighs and wish to get rid of them once and for all, then follow the natural home cellulite remedies below.

Home Cellulite Remedy 1 - Lotion

There is no easier cellulite remedy than the all-natural anti-cellulite lotion. All you do is apply the lotion liberally to your cellulite thighs and massage it in; that's it.

When it comes to celulite creams, make sure you choose one that has active celulite fighting ingredients; Vitamin A, L-Carnitine, Caffeine, etc. After all, there is nothing worse than buying a lotion that does nothing in terms of thigh cellulite removal.

Home Cellulite Remedy 2 - Massage

A simple at home cellulite massager can do wonders for your thighs. Just apply the massage lotion to the skin and then use the massager on the affected area with adequate pressure. Do this treatment enough times and cellulite will gradually fade away within a few weeks to a few months.

Be sure to put in some effort when searching for a reliable cellulite home massager. Although there are plenty of reliable products out there, there is also a fair share of garbage too -- so keep a watchful eye.

Home Cellulite Remedy 3 - Exercise

By doing a bit of light weight lifting mixed with some steady cardiovascular exercises, you can reduce your thigh cellulite tremendously. Devote 20-30 minutes of your day to your exercise and you should see a noticeable improvement in less than a month.

Most important thing to remember about cellulite exercise: stick to the routine or you will NOT see results!

Start eliminating your cellulite thighs today or risk serious embarrassment tomorrow!

natural cellulite remedies

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Natural Cellulite Remedies

When it comes to cellulite removal, it's best to stick to natural cellulite remedies. Not only are they more affordable than surgical alternatives, but they're much less of a hassle and there are no side-effects or risky complications to speak of. But, don't let those benefits get your hopes up. Natural cellulite remedies are not instant cures; therefore, don't expect your cellulite problem to just disappear overnight.

What To Expect From a Natural Cellulite Remedy

When using a natural remedy for cellulite removal, you can expect clear cut results that aren't fake nor temporary. The results will be impressive and worthy of applause -- but, that's just the end of the journey, the beginning and middle parts, however, can be a tad bit rough.

Why are they rough? Because it takes a lot of patience and determination to stick to a routine that works. For instance...

A cellulite diet is only effective so long as the person continues to eat cellulite fighting food and avoids toxin-filled foods. If he/she eats the recommended anti-cellulite food for weeks, then eats nothing but fast food for awhile, results won't be obtained.

Cellulite exercising only works if the person continues to workout on a regular basis. If he/she works out on Monday, yet does no exercise again until Friday, results aren't going to be all that impressive.

Cellulite treatment creams won't provide long lasting results if they aren't continually used. Cellulite might disappear for a short time, but it will likely return if the cream is no longer used.

How Fast Are Natural Cellulite Remedies

The time it takes for you to notice cellulite reduction is going to vary from treatment to treatment. With creams, you might see an improvement in less than 2 weeks. With exercise, it may take up to 2 months. With dieting, it could be anywhere from 1 month to 3 months depending on how your body reacts to the foods. Having said all that, how fast you achieve results is directly proportionate to the effort you put into the remedy you are using -- more effort, better results.

Because of this rather "random" time frame, it is better to use a few natural cellulite remedies instead of just one. That way, you can double or even triple your chances of reducing cellulite quickly and without too much hassle.

natural cellulite remedies

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cellulite Remedies That Just Won't Work For You

Aside from relationships going badly, one problem that almost all women suffer from is cellulite. Whether you are small, big, sexy or heavy, you can have orange-peel looking skin. In fact, even athletes who follow strict diet programs and exercise routines can still be pestered by unwanted subcutaneous fat. The nasty thing about this skin woe is that once you have it, it is quite difficult to hide or eliminate.

Ignorance is one of the reasons why women, or even a few men, find it extremely hard to banish cellulite. There have been a lot of myths and beliefs on the treatment of cellulite that have no scientific or clinical bases. Here are some of the remedies people use that are not effective in eliminating cellulite:


When liposuction was introduced, many people believed that this is one procedure that can surely treat all their weight and cellulite-related problems. Although it is true that liposuction can help improve the natural curves and contours of a person, this is actually not an effective tool in getting rid of cellulite. Liposuction can minimize fat deposits in areas that are impervious to exercise, but it cannot reduce the amount of dermal fat, which causes cellulite. In many cases, liposuction done incorrectly can even exacerbate a person's cellulite problem.

If you want to make your arms look slimmer or your potbelly to be smaller, go ahead and have liposuction. But if you want to minimize the appearance of cottage-cheese skin on your thighs, then this procedure might not be the best for you.

Anti-cellulite Clothing

If you ever see anti-cellulite stockings or apparel in the department store, put it down and go to the next shelf. Don't ever think that a compression stocking or hosiery that promises to massage your body when used will help get rid of the dimples on your legs and thighs.

Compression hosiery, girdle, and control-undergarments are all effective in giving you support and helping contour your body. These are useful in making the fat on your back disappear and your stomach flatter. Unfortunately, these products can do little to address your cellulite problems.

Tucks And Lifts

People who are overweight or have excess fat usually have folds in many parts of their bodies. These folds are usually due to excess skin that can be caused by sudden decline in weight or by loss of skin's elasticity due to aging. A lift or a tuck is usually what is needed to get rid of the folds and make the body look younger and firmer.

Although this procedure helps tighten the skin and makes a person svelte, it does nothing to eradicate cellulite. You may have slimmer legs after undergoing a lift, but you can still be suffering from cottage cheese skin. So if you are getting a tuck or lift thinking that it can address your cellulite problems, you better think again. Such a procedure is invasive and could leave you with scars and a long recovery period.

Detox Diet

If you want to prevent the formation of cellulite, colon cleansing might help because it will help get rid of toxins and waste products that could become fat deposits beneath the skin in the future. Detox is also effective in helping a person lose weight. However, if you already have cellulite all over the body, then detox cannot do anything to help minimize its appearance.

If you want to reduce the appearance of cellulite, you need to strengthen your blood vessels, boost your circulation, and moisturize your skin. One product that can effectively do these things is Cellutherm, an all-natural anti-cellulite cream.

natural cellulite remedies